Maine has set a precedent by finally recognizing that something needs to be done about the epidemic of drug poisonings in our communities, which resulted in 418 deaths in 2017.

The Maine House and Senate have passed several measures over the last month that meaningfully address this issue, including L.D. 1711, which looks at the crucial issue of homelessness and opioid use disorder. Yet our lawmakers now find themselves mired in a political standoff while another life is lost each day.

Like the passing of the expansion of Medicaid, the people have spoken but nothing has happened. The money is in the budget, and it should be considered criminal that the Legislature refuses to act on making these bills a reality.

Our budget surplus is not to be hoarded away because of partisan judo, but rather used for appropriate services for Maine people. In this case, programs to prevent opioid deaths can immediately begin saving lives. The suffering of Maine people continues with every day that goes by without action.

It’s time to protest loudly. As a certified alcohol and drug counselor in our state, I urge you to please write, call, email, tweet and shout. Tell our Legislature that every minute they delay is another father, mother, son or daughter lost in a battle that is solvable by funding services to make every citizen a healthy, productive member of society who contributes to the well-being of the state, as well as to the coffers of its budget.

Glenn J. Simpson
