Gov. LePage is a curious character. He attacks wind farms because they will detract from the beauty of Maine and deter people from visiting our state.

Tourism is, has been and will be a major draw for people from away. They make their plans based on a chance to get away from the over-development that has occurred in other states. The mountains, the lakes and rivers and our beautiful coastline are definitely worth the drive.

Ironically, he also attacks our conserved properties that help to keep those places special. There are many conserved lands that will keep the Katahdin area looking like it was for the past 50 years and allow the islands to retain some of their traditional character.

These lands are generally open to the public and enjoyed both by people from here and people from there. Katahdin Woods and Waters, islands in Penobscot Bay, Baxter State Park, etc., are examples of places that make Maine, Maine and not New Jersey (sorry, New Jersey). The foresight, wisdom and generosity of landowners have made this possible.

Maybe after he retires, Gov. LePage can hike some of the trails, enjoy a sunset over one of our many islands or just get out to appreciate these properties. Actually, he does not have to wait until he retires.

The properties are there and waiting to share their beauty, so I urge our governor: Please enjoy “our” woods and waters during your hike.

David Hyde
