I’d like to thank Portland City Councilor David Brenerman, who has shown leadership by supporting the bond for renovations to Longfellow, Lyseth, Presumpscot and Reiche elementary schools. These schools are in dire need of repair and have been for too long. For Portland to be the vibrant city it can be for the years to come, we have to invest in our schools and young learners.

For this reason, I am greatly disappointed to see City Manager Jon Jennings’ opposition to the school bond. Our son is a first-grader at Reiche and we have a 2-year-old daughter who will be attending, so we are looking at being Reiche parents for the coming decade.

My wife and I own a house and both work full time in Portland as well. Unfortunately, without repairs, the physical condition of Reiche and the other schools detracts from, rather than inspires, learning and creates unnecessary obstacles for our excellent teachers to overcome.

Has anyone on the City Council looked at what Westbrook just did with their $27 million bond? They are upgrading only two schools, and they have one-quarter of Portland’s population. Do the quick math: If Portland did the equivalent investment (by population), we would be doing a $104 million bond rather than the $70 million being discussed! We are being cheap!

I ask city officials how run-down schools will to help Portland thrive and keep young families here. Or are we OK with Portland just being for tourists and wealthy retirees? If that’s the plan, please tell us now – should we be looking at Westbrook? I was born in Portland and prefer to stay and make it the great city it can be – for all of us.

Bryan Wentzell
