I am writing to take issue with your paper’s stance against Gov. LePage, in his remarks against U.S. Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga.

Since your paper has seen fit to write an editorial – and Bill Nemitz, a column – taking LePage to task, I would like you to publish an honest article on all the achievements of John Lewis in the last 50 years. His legislative performance is fair game for examination, is it not?

I believe that you’ll find out that this gentleman, who suffered greatly from being brutally beaten by a mob in Alabama (by Democrats, no less), has squandered his life to become corrupt and destructive, a man who lies about his adversaries and spews ugliness.

He is nothing more than a radical leftist blowhard. He has been living on a 50-year-old tragedy, but the good man (deservedly so) of 1965 is not the man of 2017. Out of 435 members of the U.S. Congress, this member is the one that you’re not allowed to attack.

Please report that Mr. Lewis has a history of forgetting: He said that Donald Trump’s inauguration was the first he had missed as a congressman but was confronted with the fact that he also boycotted the first inauguration of George W. Bush. He gets headlines, but not much else. For Mr. Lewis to claim that President Trump is “illegitimate” is unfortunate, and now your paper backs him up, I guess.

For him to say that Russia helped Trump to get elected, I say: “Do you have some proof of this? Show us!” I say to you: “Portland Press Herald, please just give us the news without commentary, on both sides of an issue. Leave commentary to the editorial page.”


And get news from other sources as well. We readers are smart enough to know what is correct and what is wrong.

Peter Longley

Cumberland Center