St. Francis of Assisi stated: “If you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men.”

Gov. LePage demonstrates a lack of compassion and decency by attacking animal defenders for their excellent work to uncover and stop cruelty to animals (“Governor attacks Humane Society’s undercover probes,” Jan. 11, Page A1). Our governor and state legislators are out of touch with the evolving and compassionate values of good-hearted Mainers throughout the state toward all animals.

Turn on your TV, read a newspaper or go on social media, and it is clear that decent people from around the globe are dedicated to exposing and stopping the mistreatment and abuse of all animals on farms, in laboratories, in the wild and everywhere else.

All living beings on Earth are worthy of respect and kindness. For people who believe in God’s mercy, it should be an everyday blessing to offer basic human kindness to each of God’s creatures.

Why do Gov. LePage and our Agriculture Department do nothing about the filthy, wretched conditions for chickens at the notoriously cruel egg operations owned by Jack DeCoster in Turner? Why does he instead attack the Humane Society for exposing the truth and wanting to end the avoidable suffering of innocent living beings?

Even state officials in Iowa, not known for farm animal protection laws, have fined and censured DeCoster for his abysmal treatment of chickens in their state. Where are the hearts and moral values of our governor and state legislators?


Inflicting needless pain and suffering, on any animal, anywhere, must end. It is as morally unacceptable in Maine as it is everywhere else.

People and organizations working to expose and end the mistreatment and suffering of all animals are doing the best work – God’s work.

Robert Goldman
