Santa for seniors

The Gorham Home Instead office will finish up delivering donated gifts to local senior citizens on Monday, Dec. 18.

“Thanks to the generous support of the Gorham community over the years, Home Instead has collected thousands of gifts through its annual Be A Santa to a Senior program,” a press release said.

Volunteers joined gift wrapping parties held on Dec. 8 and Dec 12 at  the Gorham office, 502 Main St.

Sustainable taxes

The Town Council Appointments Committee is seeking a community member and a business owner for the new Fiscal Sustainability Committee.


The committee will make recommendations on how to maintain sustainable taxes while continuing to manage current and future growth in town.

Those interested in applying can complete an application at and submit it to Town Clerk Laurie Nordfors at or at the Town Clerk’s Office during normal business hours.

50 years ago

The American Journal reported on Dec. 19, 1973, that Nina Bailey was to direct Gorham’s Ecumenical Choir concert at First Parish Congregational Church where she was the music minister.

U.S. taxpayer debt

The U.S. Treasury Department reported on Dec. 7 that the U.S. public debt was $33,832,815,714,760.09.