Santa coming to town

The tree lighting event and visit from Santa that was canceled on Dec. 3 because of the weather will not be rescheduled.

“Unfortunately, given all the other community events coming up, it will not be rescheduled,” Suzanne Joyce, president of the Westbrook-Gorham Chamber of Commerce, said Monday.

However, Santa Claus still intends to visit the Westbrook Historical Society from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 9. Unwrapped gifts can be brought to be donated to Toys for Tots. The historical society can be reached at 854-5588.

Menorah lighting

Chabad of Maine will host a public menorah lighting as part of a Hanukkah celebration at 5 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 10, at Westbrook Common.

The event will feature Hanukkah music along with latkes, doughnuts and chocolate gelt. Mayor Michael Foley is scheduled to speak.

Senior lunch

Westbrook Senior Citizens will meet at noon Dec. 18 at the Westbrook Community Center for a macaroni and cheese meal and a game of  “Pass the Bag.”  Reservations are required;  call Sharon Darche at 415-8092 before Thursday, Dec. 14.

50 years ago

The American Journal reported on Dec. 12, 1973, that City Clerk Bill Clarke and his family visited relatives in Havelock and New Canaan, New Brunswick, where it snowed heavily as they started for home.