Rabbi Shmuly Lefkowitz of Chabad of Brunswick lights the menorah at Brunswick Town Mall as part of the Community Chanukah Celebration last year. Stacey Grondin photo

Chabad of Brunswick Maine will light a 9-foot public Hanukkah menorah at 5:30 p.m. at the Brunswick Town Mall Monday, Dec. 11, the fifth night of the eight-day Festival of Lights. The community will be joined by elected officials and dignitaries. Complimentary Hanukkah menorahs and candles will be distributed for participants to light at home.

“The story of Hanukkah demonstrates the tremendous power of light to overcome darkness,” Rabbi Shmuel Lefkowitz, who co-directs the Chabad of Brunswick, said in a prepared release. “We can have no better response to the negativity we encounter than to gather in even greater numbers and celebrate the menorah’s light in public.

“Our public menorah lighting carries added significance this year, as Jewish communities worldwide come together in unity and support for Israel and the release of the captives. We are offering special prayers and traditional songs in honor of Israel and in the hopes of the speedy release of all the hostages. We are expecting record crowds at the menorah-lighting this year.”

The free event will feature hot latkes, donuts, chocolate coin gelt drop by the Brunswick Fire Department, live DJ, balloon twisters, festive vibes and more. RSVP at jewishbrunswick.com/chanukah2023.