Help Wanted.

“We the People” are seeking qualified candidates to replace and thereafter occupy 221 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives currently held by Republicans.

Candidates wishing to apply for such a congressional seat should possess the following qualifications.

Minimum requirements: Candidates must be 25 years old and have been a U.S. citizen for seven years.

Willingness to work: Candidates must be able to work the necessary hours, days, months and years required to fulfill the needs and desires of the majority of their district constituents and, in undertaking these obligations, must also be able to constructively engage and collaborate with fellow House members of all political parties to achieve meaningful and timely results.

Education: Candidates must possess a personal/ethics degree in life’s philosophy, which should encompass local, state, national and world perspectives. Such widespread insights must also include firsthand experience interacting with district constituents from all walks of life, all religious backgrounds and all lifestyles.


Empathy: Candidates must sympathize with district working-class constituents regarding issues of wealth disparity and thereafter initiate, promote and support legislative means to remedy this fairness-related, quality-of-life issue.

Allegiance: All successful candidates will be required to swear allegiance to uphold and defend all provisions embedded within the U.S. Constitution and denounce all actions undertaken by GOP/MAGA/cult followers to undermine any or all portions of the U.S. Constitution.

Salary: A competitive annual salary ($174,000) plus work-related expenses will both be provided by We the People. All successful candidates, upon election, will be prohibited from receiving any additional form of direct, indirect or inappropriate compensation from corporate entities and/or super PACs.

Deadline for applications: Jan. 1, 2024.

We the People are an equal opportunity employer.

John Mishler

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