I am responding to “Maine Voices: The only true humanitarian solution in Gaza is a ceasefire.”  Ms. Tebasky raises significant humanitarian issues. There are thousands of in innocent Gazans being maimed and injured by the Israeli military. I agree with her with one minor addition: AND complete evacuation of ALL Hamas from Gaza. Were Hamas to leave Gaza, most likely, the Gazans and Israelis could and would live in peace much as the Israeli Arabs who overwhelmingly support Israel’s side in this conflict. But be real, no chance.

Hamas has and continues to use Gazans as shields. It’s a very effective — albeit immoral — strategy. Their tunnel fortress is tactically excellent. Israel can’t get at them without large numbers of casualties, both of their own troops and of innocent civilians. Meanwhile Hamas fights on and continues to trumpet that its long term goal is to destroy Israel. Ironically Hamas wants a cease fire as strongly as Ms. Tebasky but for a somewhat different reason — to retrench, rearm and continue the fighting from a more advantageous position.

The solution? A tough question. Most likely, this conflict will end with a new generation of young Gazans who will grow up hating Israel and joining Hamas.

Bruce MacDougal,

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