My wife and I attended the home of a friend, whose relative is running for mayor; an opportunity for the candidate to present his position and us to become better acquainted.

Listening to him sincerely express his position on current matters it dawned on me that, yes, Portland is in a crisis mode: encampments, homeless, asylum seekers, housing shortage, poor education rating, low salaries for teachers and nurses … with the issue of homeless encampments taking first place and growing, e.g. Harbor View Park had six tents this summer, now 60.

Here is my take, regardless of who is elected mayor: God bless whomever – he will be unable to navigate these troubled waters without strong support, as well as a carte blanche ticket to oversee a brand new department, dedicated to overseeing the homeless, and with a cooperative link to the State House in Augusta.

Frank E. Reilly

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