Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, stands inside the House Chamber during a third round of voting at the Capitol on Friday. Seated at front is former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif. Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post

Jockeying for support within the House Republican caucus began anew Friday evening after the party removed Rep. Jim Jordan as its nominee for speaker of the House following his repeated failures to earn the necessary votes to take the gavel, again delaying the House from reopening for business.

Some names for new candidates – ranging from established House leaders to little-known representatives – began to emerge almost immediately after Jordan, R-Ohio, lost a third straight floor vote earlier Friday, dropping even more support than he had earlier in the week and making a potential path to victory essentially impossible to foresee.

Jordan and his allies had spent all week trying to convince Republican colleagues that he was the right person to be named speaker, calling for the conference to “unite” around the conservative firebrand favored by the Republican base and former President Donald Trump.

But their argument was stymied by several issues, ranging from the political to the personal. Some members were put off by Jordan’s failure to quickly and vigorously condemn threats against lawmakers who had voted against him. Some thought he hadn’t done enough to show he could lead all Republicans and not just the party’s far-right flank.

And he couldn’t overcome intraparty resentments that have lingered either for years or developed over the past week, particularly after Jordan and his allies’ aggressive campaign – some members reported that they received death threats for voting against Jordan, which he condemned – to get their votes.

In the first round of voting earlier this week, 20 Republicans opposed Jordan, a number that only climbed with each vote, demonstrating he had no path to victory. In Friday’s vote, another three Republicans turned away from Jordan: Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Tom Kean of New Jersey and Marcus Molinaro of New York, who each represent competitive swing districts. In total, twenty-five Republicans voted against Jordan, and no lawmakers flipped to support him. Jordan lost more support than he gained during each of the three rounds of voting – a clear sign that his pressure campaign had backfired.


Exasperated, Republicans conferred Friday afternoon and voted 112-86 to remove Jordan as their speaker-designate, triggering a new round of candidate forums next week to elect a new speaker-designate – their third in as many weeks.

Jordan afterward said he had no regrets about how he handled his run and hopes the GOP conference can elect someone.

“We have to come together, and I think we will,” he said.

Lacking a permanent speaker for 17 days, the House has not considered any legislation since Sept. 30, when then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., announced a last-gasp proposal to avert a government shutdown. The legislation passed the House with more than 200 Democrats supporting it. Three days later, a handful of far-right Republicans moved to remove McCarthy as speaker; they were joined by all Democrats, who not only disagree with McCarthy’s politics but were upset by his verbal attacks on TV after they allied with Republicans to keep the government open.

Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., also could not earn the necessary 217 votes on the House floor to wield the speaker’s gavel, leading him to drop out of the race last week and paving the way for Jordan to try to secure the votes this week.

Members from opposite ends of the Republican Conference suggested that, now that each wing has taken down the other’s preferred choice in Scalise and Jordan, they might be able to have a fresh start next week with new candidates who do not have long histories in the House.


“It was pretty ugly. So I’m hoping that now we can all get together and then kind of, you know, move forward,” said Rep. Mario Díaz-Balart, R-Fla., who was staunchly against Jordan’s candidacy.

Majority Whip Tom Emmer – who several Republicans had previously discussed as a possible consensus candidate for the fractious conference – “has begun making calls for the speakership,” according to a person close to the Minnesota Republican, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations.

Congress GOP Vote Wrangler

Rep. Tom Emmer, R-Minn., speaks at a news conference on Capitol Hill in January. Emmer entered the race to become House speaker Friday after Republicans chose to drop Jim Jordan. Patrick Semansky/Associated Press

Republican Reps. Kevin Hern of Oklahoma, Jack Bergman of Michigan, Pete Sessions of Texas and Austin Scott of Georgia have all publicly declared they’re running for speaker, with half a dozen other Republicans mulling a bid.

Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida is joining the race, a spokesperson confirmed, while Jodey Arrington of Texas, Mike Johnson of Louisiana and Dan Meuser of Pennsylvania are all weighing a run.

Republicans have until Sunday to declare their candidacies, and the conference will vote Tuesday to choose a new speaker-designate.

McCarthy quickly endorsed Emmer on Friday, saying in a statement that his ally in leadership “is the right person for the job” and “can unite the conference.”


Republicans’ inability to coalesce around any member within their ranks has left them feeling dejected, frustrated and close to hopeless that they may never be able to uniformly decide on a GOP speaker since they can only lose four votes to approve anything – or anyone – through their fractious majority.

“Now, how somebody gets to 217 in this life and not in heaven is a good question for all of us to ask. But I am, as I said, seriously considering and still praying about it,” Arrington said.

But several Jordan allies were angered with colleagues about forcing him to drop out of the race, harboring bad feelings that could bleed into next week and negatively influence the election process.

“The most popular Republican in the United States Congress was just knifed by a secret ballot, in a private meeting in the basement of the Capitol. It’s as swampy as swamp gets. And Jim Jordan deserves better than that,” said Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., the far-right Trump acolyte who mobilized McCarthy’s ouster earlier this month.

But Rep. Tim Burchett, R-Tenn., who also voted to remove McCarthy as speaker, said he’s willing to search for a new option.

“Let’s get on with it. I’m ready,” he said. “I think we can do that.”


With as many as 10 Republicans possibly declaring candidacies by Sunday, some members worry that the crowded field could lead into several more rounds of voting behind closed doors before a majority of them can get behind a candidate to bring to the floor.

“It’s probably impossible to mount a campaign for speaker in just a couple of days,” said Rep. Anthony D’Esposito, R-N.Y., a vulnerable Republican who voted against Jordan. “The process took McCarthy, (former Speaker Nancy) Pelosi and many others months and years to build the confidence in members to get across the finish line.”

Lawmakers on both sides of aisle want to reopen the House as quickly as possible, in part to begin the process of providing more aid to Israel for its war with Hamas. But they are also staring down a more pressing deadline: In less than a month, the short-term funding bill McCarthy pushed through runs out, and the government will shut down without additional legislation.

APTOPIX Congress Speaker

Temporary House leader Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., left, talks with Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, during a second floor vote aimed at making Jordan speaker on Wednesday. Alex Brandon/Associated Press

A significant group of Republicans wanted the House to vote on an expected bipartisan resolution that would have empowered Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick T. McHenry, R-N.C., to temporarily perform the functions of speaker until Jan. 3, 2024. The resolution – which was drafted by Rep. David Joyce, R-Ohio, and backed in large part by the group he chairs, the Republican Governance Group – would have required a significant number of Democratic votes to pass, which they had signaled they could provide.

But the fractious conference that was boiling over with tense feelings toward one another nixed consideration of the resolution Thursday and instead chose to oust Jordan and restart the search for a consensus speaker.

“It’s up to the other members to finally come to the conclusion that, even if we’re still in the process of trying to elect the speaker, it would sure be nice to open the place up so we can conduct the business of the House and the business of the American people,” Joyce said.


Washington Post writer Liz Goodwin contributed to this report.

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