Central Maine Power employee Kurt Pullman recently wrote a column (Maine Voice, July 28) against government-owned and -run power companies.

I agreed with what he wrote in general, but he was way off base to apply his argument to Pine Tree Power, which he claims would be a government entity. He should have done a little research instead of blindly following the company line. With a little digging, he would have found that Pine Tree Power will be run by an independent board of 13 elected directors. It’s really a stretch to call them “politicians,” as Pullman did.

CMP’s parent company, Avangrid, is pouring millions into a misinformation campaign to defeat Pine Tree Power. Their propaganda machine has $27.4 million in cash to put out their falsehoods, while Our Power has about $800,000 in cash to counter them.

CMP (and Versant Power) customers deserve much better. CMP has the most and longest outages, the worst customer service, and among the highest rates in the country. Avangrid is all about the bottom line; their profits in 2022 were $187 million. I don’t often agree with Bernie Sanders, but he was right on target when he recently accused Avangrid of price gouging and greed.

Pete Hope

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