Could we please be done with syndicated editorial cartoonist Clay Bennett?

The singer Jason Aldean apparently holds views about rural American attitudes that differ from Mr. Bennett’s. His response in his cartoon of July 25 (Page A4) is to tar Mr. Aldean – and, by extension, a large part of America – as an enthusiast of fascism.

Still more offensive was his cartoon in the Maine Sunday Telegram on July 16 (Page D3). There, Mr. Bennett asserts that parents attempting to gain some control over what their children are taught in the public schools are followers of Adolf Hitler.

This is not clever, insightful commentary. Baseless, inflammatory, ad hominem attacks like these on honorable citizens are tearing this country apart. They contribute nothing to reasoned consideration and discussion of political and social issues. The Press Herald disgraces itself by providing a platform for these ugly smears.

Bill Shumaker

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