Regarding the failure of the Maine Senate to vote in favor of the proposed background checks on “private” gun sales, I believe a one-word response is sufficient: Pathetic.

The Republicans, with the help of nine Democrats, caved in – once again – to the guns-at-any-price cultists. Using the same worn-out catchphrase excuses, they argued that it would impose unreasonable burdens on law-abiding citizens and gun dealers.

News flash: Law-abiding citizens buy guns from law-abiding gun dealers and undergo background checks (such as they are). Gun show, internet, family and all such check-free sales are open doors for those who fear or can’t pass background checks.

Suicides and crimes of passion – such as domestic problems and road rage violence – are, by and large, driven by impulse. Any form of “time out” could well prevent some needless tragedies.

It’s beyond time to end the grip of the gun-at-any-price cult on the majority of people, who, after all, are only asking for common-sense and responsible gun ownership rules.

Ken MacLean

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