Wednesday’s front page carried the dual news of yet another random tragic instance of gun violence, “Father of shooting victim laments senseless tragedy,” and the abject failure of our state Legislature to do anything about it.

Maine is now keeping statistics on firearm-related deaths, the vast majority of which are suicide. We need to slow the availability of firearms and protect society from those who should not possess such lethal weapons.

Gun violence is a public health emergency in our country and our state, and it’s past time for action. Importantly, current polling shows that Maine citizens overwhelmingly support background checks and 72-hour waiting periods for firearm purchases.

As I write this letter, I hold in my heart all the parents who have lost their children to senseless acts of gun violence, and all the fear caused by the prevalence of guns in our culture. It takes great courage to lead in the face of an organization such as the National Rifle Association, but I will continue to advocate for our leaders in Maine and Washington to take the courageous steps necessary to make us all safer.

Robin Brooks

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