I presume that when Maine legislators ran for office their intent was to make life in Maine better. Here is their chance.

Will they be known for their courage or cowardice? What will their legacy be? L.D. 1619 has come out of the Judiciary Committee as “ought to pass,” so these legislators must pick a side – there is no gray area on this matter. L.D. 1619 is too extreme, allowing for abortions at any time.

If our leaders have not done so, they should get informed about how third-term abortions are performed. This is not health care.

Gov. Mills says this bill is also to prevent Mainers from having to travel for health care. If that goal is true, why hasn’t she successfully recruited doctors to move to Maine, so people don’t have to travel Boston, New York, etc., for cancer or catastrophic care?

I urge our state legislators to do the right thing and be known for their courage to fight this evil bill. Do not make Maine “Abortionland.”

Linda McMahon

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