I continue to be bewildered and angry about Gov. Mills’ position on tribal sovereignty.

I otherwise admire her and believe she has governed well, but definitely not in this instance. The governor is behaving more like an “enlightened” 19th century enslaver who permits limited freedoms while maintaining the shackles of ownership. The latest example of this is her opposition to a pair of legislative bills. L.D. 78 merely proposes that the full Maine Constitution restore unpublished articles in print, which are currently treated as state secrets. To oppose this on the grounds that it would confuse the public is at best patronizing, at worst duplicitous.

I understand that there are legal ramifications to allowing full sovereignty to the tribes, some presenting difficulties for their self-governance. The same arguments were made against emancipation in the 19th century and as an excuse for Jim Crow in the 20th. Tribal leaders know those issues. They are willing to cope with them to achieve sovereignty and an acknowledgement in law of their full humanity. The governor and Legislature should not be standing in their way.

Rev. Donald Rudalevige
Cape Elizabeth

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