I write to express my grave concern over our state’s accelerating creep toward rationalizing termination of viable human life. This is now being exhibited in proposed legislation extending “legal” abortion. Many who wrestle with the “rightness” of terminating a pregnancy may acquiesce to such a procedure before the tipping point of viability (when human life can be self-sustaining), presently established in Maine law as 24 weeks, but are loath to support it after this point, for it is then akin to murder.

The legislation being written and proposed is morally offensive. It also purports to legalize a procedure that is barbaric. Perhaps above all, it does not enjoy the support of the majority of Maine citizens, a fact that surveys have established over decades. So to pass this measure into law would be an unconscionable offense to the electorate who have entrusted legislators to faithfully represent their interests.

It is incumbent on Maine citizens to remind their representatives of the public sentiment and to insist they reject this extreme measure. Maine enjoys a wholesome identity as Vacationland; we cannot allow it to become known as “abortion land.”

John Anthony
Bailey Island

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