Fair-chase hunting may be a tradition in Maine. Canned hunting is not.

Canned hunting is designed to give individuals a guaranteed kill of non-native animals, primarily for the benefit of trophy hunters. Species such as domestically raised red deer, bison and wild boar are contained within an area with no chance of escape. This type of hunting is considered unethical by many hunters and hunting groups.

The proposed legislation provides a two-year phase-out period that allows for planning and mitigation of any financial loss. It is important to note that this is not an anti-hunting bill. This bill is meant to take a stand against a specific activity that is considered unethical by many.

Please contact state legislators and the Committee on Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry and ask them to support L.D. 1068, An Act to Ban the Killing of Animals in Enclosed Areas.

Tammy Cloutier

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