I want to express my concern with the proposals being put forth by our legislators to reform the tax code (“Time seems ripe for bipartisan action on income tax cuts in Maine,” Jan. 29). The following week, I emailed the leaders and ranking members of the Legislature and recommended that before the Legislature does anything, it reviews the Brookings Institution report “Charting Maine’s Future,” issued in 2006.

While Maine currently appears to be in excellent financial condition, I would recommend analyzing and reviewing the “pressing needs” of the citizens and institutions of Maine. We have to ensure the safety, health, education and economic well-being of our citizens, now and into the future – too many needs to be mentioned here. Invariably, they are highlighted daily by the news media. Too often the reporting is of a tragic nature.

In addition, we have to make sure the funding of these needs is sustainable. It was gratifying to read the Feb. 5 editorial  (“Our View: Enthusiasm for tax cuts better channeled elsewhere”) essentially expressing the same view.

My wife and I are retired and would likely be recipients of some of the tax cuts being proposed. Let’s not put the cart before the horse.

Roger Beeley

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