For many years I’ve flown an Earth flag from a pole in my front yard and have been surprised by the number of people who ask: “What does that flag stand for?”

For me, it stands for home and the generous source of everything we need for building lives and communities.

No one had ever seen that image until 1972, when the Apollo astronauts captured it on film as they made their way to the moon. Our reaction at the time was to be stunned by the beauty of the image and to feel awe at seeing our home in an entirely new way. The national flags we’re used to flying seem to emphasize our separateness and set us up for competition among ourselves, too often leading to wars over resources we haven’t yet learned to share.

In contrast, the Earth flag reminds us of the gift of life. Like our hearts which beat continuously for whole lifetimes without a pause, the Earth spins in space generously offering us nourishment and experience enough for learning wisdom.

Earth is where my allegiance lies. I like to imagine the Earth flag flying up and down our streets as a kind of parade of support. Maybe you’ll join me?

Roselie Paul

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