SACO — Age Friendly Saco and the Ferry Beach Retreat & Conference Center are teaming up to offer a tasty Valentine’s community meal to people in need. The meal will be delivered to the recipient’s door on Feb. 13.

People may sign up for up to four meals at: Meals will be delivered by volunteers from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Feb. 13. If people have questions or problems filling out the form, call Ferry Beach Retreat and Conference at 207-282-4489, ext. 1, said Age Friendly Saco Director Jean Saunders.

The meal for this sweetheart deal is chicken breast with tomato, garlic and basil accompanied by rice pilaf, green beans, a homemade dinner roll and mixed green salad with balsamic vinaigrette. Dessert is a homemade cupcake with strawberry frosting.

As always, Age Friendly Saco and Ferry Beach Retreat & Conference Center welcome volunteers to pack the meals and help deliver them to residents in Saco, Biddeford, and Old Orchard Beach.

Each meal will be accompanied by a special Valentine’s Day card designed by students at Thornton Academy.

Saunders said Age Friendly Saco and Ferry Beach Retreat & Conference Center are thankful to sponsors of the event: Bangor Savings, Saco and Biddeford Savings and the Rotary Club of Saco Bay.

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