Jim Fossel’s Dec. 18 column contains some valid points – to be addressed in the future. That they have not previously been addressed cannot be completely laid at the feet of Gov. Mills. Does Fossel really think members of the Legislature were about to come together to solve such a contentious problem as the use of money during an election year?

Certainly it is important to thoughtfully consider the future needs of Maine’s people. That didn’t happen. Hopefully, it will. Last summer’s future is here. The need to heat Mainers’ homes must be addressed now.

If I may make as close an analogy as I can think of: I spent a year in Vietnam as an Army nurse. When a wounded patient came through the ER, we did not wait to determine his blood type. We hung type O blood while we waited for the blood bank to verify that the information on his dog tags was correct.

People in Maine are hurting now. Following process for the sake of following process is like watching the patient die because you aren’t sure exactly what his blood type is.

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