A very nice heads up on the article “Man fatally shot in Portland’s Parkside neighborhood,” published Dec. 1 and written by reporters Gillian Graham and Rachel Ohm. My question is: How do you bury a story with these statistics (47 shootings and 17 stabbings in Portland so far this year) on Page B3 of the Local & State section, and not publish it on the front page?

A pedestrian walks down Sherman Street in Portland on Wednesday near the spot where a 26-year-old man was found shot the night before. The man was taken to Maine Medical Center, where he later died. Brianna Soukup/Staff Photographer

Let’s have Graham and Ohm get some focus on a very serious city issue by putting news of this nature out front for all subscribers to see in the first read of the day.

Everyone knows Portland is expensive (“National housing forecast sees Greater Portland prices rising,” Dec. 1, Page A1). No one cares about an ex-trooper represented by Cynthia Dill (“Ex-trooper suing state police takes stand,” Dec. 1, Page A1) or the self-destruction that the residents of Maine would commit in adopting a citizens electric utility (“Bid to have consumers own utility qualifies for 2023 ballot,” Dec. 1, Page A1). Actually, maybe those three articles should have been in the Local & State section, all on Page B3.

James Mooney

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