Now that Paul LePage has become a footnote in the sad history of what has happened to the Republican Party, it is nevertheless obvious that he still has the power to shock. His parting shot, the suggestion that “Maine voters cared more about abortion than their wallets,” demonstrates the poisonous lies politicians of his kind are willing to throw at anyone who does not agree with them. One would be tempted to ask if that means Republicans care more about their wallets than the well-being of women and families. Neither statement is or would be true.

Saying economic issues take precedence over a basic human right is not logical nor ethical thinking. Aside from the human pathos of a forced pregnancy, the economic repercussions can be severe. A woman or family should have the freedom to choose if they are able to bear the costs of an unwanted or unplanned pregnancy, a severely handicapped child who will suffer, or a thwarted career. A family should be free to know that it cannot support another child.

Instead of legislating a human right, wouldn’t it be better to educate about violence, prevention and responsibility, especially on the part of men? Who will take care of so many children?

The Republicans say that they are against government regulation. Why then is it alright to regulate reproductive rights? And why is it alright to slander fellow citizens who have a different point of view?

Elaine Kahaner
Cape Elizabeth

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