For six long years, Donald Trump has led the Republican Party down the road to perdition. Given Tuesday’s midterm election results, I believe the scales have finally fallen from most Republicans’ eyes and the air has been let out of Donald Trump’s balloon. Hopefully, Republicans can now see what Trump has done to their party.

Far from the “red tsunami” the pundits predicted, only a trickle was realized. This was worst midterm performance by a political party that does not hold the presidency in years. Former President Trump’s band of handpicked and endorsed candidates, who espoused election denial and other conspiracy theories, performed underwhelmingly in the midterm elections.

Once again, American voters showed that candidate quality matters and ideas matter. Case in point, look at the Republican candidate for the Georgia Senate seat, Herschel Walker. It’s very hard to imagine that Walker would have been considered a viable candidate for the Senate even just a few election cycles ago. Putting aside the allegations that anti-abortion Walker paid for two abortions, the candidate’s complete ignorance of foreign policy, economics, environmental and energy issues should, in and of itself, be a disqualifying event for his candidacy. If the Republicans had fielded a quality candidate there would be no need for a runoff election.

Republicans need to make a choice. Either they choose a new path to go down or they continue to follow Trump down the road.

Sam Rosenthal

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