Regarding the recent Maine Voices column by Charles Todorich (“Time to stop the leftist tail from wagging the American dog,” Nov. 4), I am a “traditional liberal,” whom Todorich implores to join his conservative colleagues in helping to “save America,” by rejecting the progressive left.

I’m excited that Mr. Todorich wants to work with us to save America. Let’s collaborate in guaranteeing that all citizens have access to voting; supporting and strengthening our legal, civil and political institutions; restoring faith in our electoral processes; ensuring fair and rational representation in our congressional districts; and opposing hate speech from any point in the political spectrum.

I love America unconditionally, as Todorich asks. But that love does not turn a blind eye to America’s problematic history and current social and political issues.

While I am often disappointed in the animosity expressed by ultra-progressive and ultra-conservative activists, I know that their anger is directed (from both sides) at the actions, policies and culture of America. They love America; they care enough to try and improve it. They do not “hate” art, beauty, freedom of thought, white people, America or the West. They hate the discrimination, oppression, injustice and violence that manifest themselves in some aspects of these components of America’s past and present.

I disapprove of the manner in which some of these extreme activists express their outrage. However, I always learn something about America from their narratives. I try to integrate the inherent grain of truth that each contains into my understanding of our great country.

Robert McKillop

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