The current Democrat-controlled Congress must be voted out of power for our self-preservation. Combined with their “no-petroleum-products-by-2030″ energy policies, they have spent us into recession. They’re hostile to police, faith, our Constitution and the basic needs of real people. They’re out of control with deficit spending, creating several multitrillion-dollar bills passed solely by Democrats.

Groceries are my big concern, followed by the cost of heating oil and gasoline, both of which have doubled in the past year and will keep on increasing, as Joe Biden’s current Democrat-controlled Congress keeps passing massive, unsustainable spending bills. Think we’ll afford the cost of living over the next two years with a proven financially challenged Democrat Congress?

To combat inflation: Fed raises rates, economy slows, jobs are lost, economic picture is worsened.

The Democrat Party, fueled by the media, has tried to obscure our catastrophic economy by promoting late-term abortion, “wokeness” and other smokescreen issues.

Bruce Young

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