A former Democratic legislator is running against a Republican challenger for a seat in the Maine House representing District 142, which covers part of Sanford.

Anne-Marie Mastraccio, Sanford’s sitting mayor and a former state representative, is facing Pamela Buck, a human resources executive for an agency that serves unhoused people in York County.

Here is a look at the candidates’ priorities and positions on some key issues.


What are your top priorities and why?

My top priorities have always been related to the needs of my constituents and municipality. So I will work to ensure that there will be no reductions in municipal revenue sharing or education funding to Sanford. Property tax reduction, infrastructure investment, workforce training and career and technical education are on the list. I also plan to continue my past focus on increasing access to dental care through a proposal to begin a dental therapy program at the University of Maine at Augusta School of Dental Hygiene. We will never produce or attract enough dentists to address the needs of our state. Training dental therapists will help; they are already legal and able to be licensed in Maine.


What are your biggest concerns about the economy right now and what should the Legislature do to address them?

Anne-Maria Mastraccio

I am concerned that with winter coming, inflation will erode the ability of residents to pay for food, heat, utilities and daily living expenses. We will need to mitigate its effects. If there is sufficient surplus, I would support another inflation relief check as well as increasing SNAP (food) and heating benefit amounts to address the issue in the short term. I would also make sure my constituents were aware of all the programs already in place for rent and property tax relief and help them access those programs. Unfortunately, inflation is a global issue that will not be solved in Augusta.

Do you support changing Maine’s abortion law to make it more or less restrictive and how?

Maine abortion law should not be changed to be more restrictive. That this is even a question in 2022 is very disheartening to me. Women’s rights includes the right to choose and access the healthcare they need.

Do you believe President Biden won the 2020 election fairly?

I believe President Biden won the 2020 election fairly, both by measurement of the popular vote and electoral college vote. I believe in the integrity of our electoral process.



City: Sanford

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Mayor of the City of Sanford, January 2021-present

Education: Certificate of Municipal Leadership, USM Muskie School of Public Service; Northeastern University, Boston, MA, A.S. Science Degree; Forsyth Dental Center, Boston, MA, RDH, Dental Hygiene

Civic/Political Experience: Mayor of the City of Sanford, January 2021-present; State Representative 8 years; Sanford Town Council 9 years; Sanford School Committee 12 years. Community Service positions: Strategies for a Stronger Sanford; Core Building Committee 1, Sanford High School and Regional Technical Center;  Core Building Committee 2, MCS Elementary addition;        Renovation of old SHS into Sanford Middle School; Renovation of old SJHS into Pride Elementary School



What are your top priorities and why?

The general state of our economy, for we “all” are facing a higher cost of living and struggling to break even. This includes the shortage of affordable housing, workforce housing and safe housing for seniors. Plus Maine’s tax structure needs to be totally revamped, starting at the state level, to reduce the tax burden for property owners and business owners.

Pam Buck

Expand our education and training opportunities to everyone at every age,  require more state ownership to attract higher-paying jobs with competitive benefits. Resources for economic development need to be a top priority, It’s pretty simple: No businesses, no workers, no state.

And the crucial crisis of opioids is now a constant. It cannot be put aside, too many have died. More programming, safe houses and programming is required.

What are your biggest concerns about the economy right now and what should the Legislature do to address them?


Maine has one of the highest costs of living and costs to do business. These two wrongs do not make it right for our economy. Plainly stated, Maine is not a competitive state to maintain or to attract new businesses.

By addressing the highest costs of electricity, utilities, income and property tax, and the costs of just doing business (from insurance to trained employees),  this requires state level involvement for future advancements. Maine’s economy also needs a balance of new businesses that do not compete with the current business, blending natural resources businesses (fishing, farming, lumber) with added future fiber optics business with proven studies of their successes. Currently, Sanford has world-class fiber optic source for businesses to compete globally. But to date, fiber optics businesses have not been acted upon by our state.

To become a healthy economy, we must protect our human resources. Our most valuable assets are our people, our residents. By developing our economy and providing better-paying jobs with benefits, this will assist in maintaining our workforce and attracting businesses back to Maine. Our economy is at stake, we need forward-thinking representatives in our Legislature for progress to occur.

Do you support changing Maine’s abortion law to make it more or less restrictive and how?

I do support Maine’s current abortion law. This is a very private and personal issue. Maine laws are balanced compared to other states, preserving all lives involved including the mother and unborn child.

When Roe v. Wade was overturned, nothing changed in Maine for the rights of women due to past forward-thinking administrations that created the trigger law that was enacted. Maine permits previability abortions and requires health plan to cover legal abortion, all based on science and data. I personally do not believe abortion should be used for birth control and will always protect rights of all.


Do you believe President Biden won the 2020 election fairly?

Standing behind your president elect is important and should be honored by all Americans. Even if the elected president was not your choice, it is only ethical to do so. Going forward to become more transparent and accountable, I would stand behind measures that ensure elections are and continue to be fair. Having voters show proof of identification to municipalities having clear processes to be followed to protect and safeguard our votes is essential to protect our fundamental rights. Debating if a past election was fair or not versus taking action to guarantee that all future elections are truly the vote of our people is protecting our civil rights. Taking measures or actions to uphold this right should be welcomed with assurance that all rights are being treated fairly and protected.


City: Sanford

Party: Republican

Occupation: Human Resources Director at York County Shelter Programs that serves York County Homelessness, Food Pantry & Substance Abuse Programs


Education: Stearns High School Millinocket, ME;  BA Double major in Business & Computer Science,  University of Maine;   MBA, Husson University

Civic/Political Experience: Friend of Downtown Sanford,  current;  Great Bay Services Financial Sanford Board Member 2020 to Current; Sanford Housing Board Member 2019-Current; York County Board of Realtors member 2015 to 2018; Caribou’s Rotary Club, Past President (2009-2010); served on the Board for 10 years, Partners in Service, Club Service and Fundraising. Sanford Rotary 2016; Let’s Move Task Force member for the City of Caribou and Loring Job Corps Center; campaign against obesity in youths, Michelle Obama’s Health Initiative; Member of LEAD (Leaders Encouraging Aroostook Development);  Member of Youth’s Local WorkForce Investment Board (LWIB); Ride Aroostook, Volunteer Administrator for “Camp Adventure” for diabetes youths; Caribou’s School Board, included on committees for Budget Committee, Facilities Committee, Caribou’s Building Bridges and Mandatory Consolidation reform;  Member of Aroostook American Red Cross Board 2008-2014

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— Claire Law