Two Portlanders are seeking an open seat in the Maine House representing District 119, which includes part of the Portland peninsula and its islands.

Democrat Charles Skold is running against Republican Peter Doyle.

Doyle did not respond to a request for information about his candidacy.

Here is a look at Skold’s priorities and positions on some key issues.

What are your top three priorities and why? 

Affordable housing, climate change, and rising inequality. These are currently three of the biggest and most widespread issues facing Portland residents. They threaten our ability in the present and in the future to be a city where everyone is welcome to live, work and thrive.


What are your biggest concerns about the economy and what should the Legislature do to address them?

Charles Skold

The housing crisis is one of the biggest strains on our economy with many downstream effects. The Legislature should invest in affordable housing, protecting tenant rights and giving residents a leg up in the housing market.

Do you support changing Maine’s abortion law to make it more or less restrictive and how?

I support protecting abortion rights in Maine’s Constitution.

Do you believe President Biden won the 2020 election fairly?

Yes, I believe 100% that President Biden won the 2020 election fairly.



City: Portland

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Negotiations Trainer

Education: Freeport High School 2007, Tufts BA Political Science 2011, Harvard Master of Theological Studies 2019, Harvard Master in Public Administration 2019

Civic/Political Experience: Recent Chair of Portland Democratic City Committee, Current Vice-Chair of Portland Democratic City Committee, Current Co-Chair St. Luke’s Public Policy and Environmental Action Team, current member of Portland Climate Action Team, Deputy Director of Operations for the Biden-Harris campaign in Maine in 2020.

Website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter


— Halina Bennet