The choice in this fall’s elections couldn’t be clearer. Janet Mills and Democrats are sensible leaders who govern well. Thanks to that leadership, Maine has created jobs, combated COVID-19, improved access to health care, increased funding for education, created a balanced budget with a strong surplus, sent relief checks to most Mainers, improved our infrastructure, invested in alternative energy, protected our natural environment and much more. Democrats strongly support civil rights, voting rights and women’s reproductive rights.

And what do Republicans offer? Paul LePage proudly declared himself “Trump before Trump” and moved to Florida. And LePage’s nasty, embarrassing behavior hasn’t changed one bit. It’s clear that the Republican Party has largely become a blind personality cult for LePage and Trump that happily embraces authoritarianism.

Republicans are out of tune, out of touch and unfit to govern. Republicans, including LePage, overwhelmingly oppose a woman’s right to control her own body and reproductive health care. If the extreme Republicans take over in Maine, there is every reason to believe they will see it as a mandate to launch a full-scale assault on a woman’s right to choose in Maine as well as voting rights and other rights, just as they have already tried to do.

This is where Republicans are, and we don’t need these endless radical Republican culture wars here in Maine.

Please vote for democracy and Maine values and against Republican extremism. We don’t need to go back to the constant, exhausting chaos of Paul LePage and his extremist party.

James Bilancia

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