I am writing in response to the nasty review of Maine in the Aug. 21 New York Post by Cindy Adams. I am not a regular Post reader, so I had to do some research in order to understand the context for such a hateful review of my beloved home state.

Cindy Adams is a New York City gossip columnist; she had a syndicated column in the Post for four decades. At the height of her career, she was part of New York high society and represented that place and time in her sardonic tabloid and gossip columns. This past April, she turned 92.

In my opinion, her recent piece about Maine was predominantly an editing failure on the part of the New York Post. (Not that Ms. Adams is blameless; a writer is accountable to her subject and her audience.) But the Post editors should have protected Ms. Adams from the inevitable backlash that was sure to follow the publishing of such a mean-spirited review of Maine – a state that depends on tourism.

That column egregiously misdirected Ms. Adams’ catty gossip column voice against the regular citizens (and tourists) of Maine. And publishing it did no favors to Ms. Adams and her storied career as a renowned gossip columnist – rather, it highlighted that her voice is out of place and outdated.

I sincerely hope that the Post did not disrespect Ms. Adams and the people of Maine simply for a burst of social media notoriety.

Kelley McDaniel

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