I’m a retired fire officer. At the end of my 20 years of service, I was the training officer for a 17-station fire department. Prior to that I was a “truck captain.”

I disagree with North Yarmouth’s plans to buy a “Quint” fire truck and build a new station.


Currently, there isn’t a need for a ladder truck. We do not have any tall buildings that require a 75-foot ladder.

Yarmouth and Cumberland have ladder trucks that, per our automatic aid agreements, can be here quickly if needed.

Specialized training is required to operate a ladder truck.


Most importantly, the millions of dollars could be better used to improve upon the department’s emergency medical response. Seventy percent to 80 percent of fire department responses are to medical calls. North Yarmouth doesn’t have full-time paramedics. We don’t have consistent and quick basic emergency medical services. Lives are dependent on advanced life support arriving within four to six minutes of one having a serious medical emergency.

Sure, a new truck and fire station would be great. Residents’ lives are more important!

Lastly, I also recommend that North Yarmouth, Cumberland and Yarmouth do a full merger of their fire departments. I was involved with such a merger with my original two-station fire department merging with a larger fire department. Emergency services improved and costs went down.

Thanks to all who serve us so very well.

Rick Stoker
retired fire captain
North Yarmouth

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