Members of the production team behind Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, a regular segment on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert,” were detained by Capitol Police this week while filming “stand-ups and other final comedy elements in the halls” of Congress, CBS, which airs the late-night talk show, confirmed Friday in a statement to the Los Angeles Times.
According to the network’s statement, the “Late Show” staffers were on Capitol Hill Wednesday and Thursday, amid the ongoing House Select Committee hearings on the Jan. 6 insurrection, to record “authorized and prearranged” interviews with members of Congress. It was after completing those interviews that the production team remained on-site to film and was detained. (U.S. Capitol Police did not immediately respond to a request for comment.)
Fox News reported that those detained were charged with illegal entry to House office buildings and that the production had been filming outside the offices of Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., and Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo. CBS did not confirm the number, names or specific filming locations of those detained.
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