United Way of Mid Coast Maine’s Annual Meeting will be held Tuesday, May 24, from 8-9:30 am at the Maine Maritime Museum in Bath. All members of the community are invited to attend and can register by emailing info@uwmcm.org or by calling United Way at (207) 443-9752. Seating is limited due to COVID-19 safety precautions.

Mid Coast-Parkview Health President Lois Skillings will give the keynote address: “Could We Become the Healthiest Community in America?”

Standing for election or re-election to United Way’s Board of Directors at the annual meeting are: Marcia Benner of First National Bank, Carol Dexter of Edgecomb, Louisa Edgerton of Now You’re Cooking and Scott Zamer of Bath Iron Works.

Sagadahoc County Sheriff Joel Merry will be nominated for election to chairperson of United Way’s Board of Directors, Coleen Farrell of Mid Coast-Parkview Health will be nominated as first vice chairperson, Sean Martin of Bath Savings Trust as second vice chairperson, and Bob McCue of Brunswick as treasurer.

United Way of Mid Coast Maine’s mission is to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities. In partnership with thousands of donors, United Way works to improve health, financial stability, and the best start for children in Brunswick and Harpswell, Sagadahoc and Lincoln Counties.

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