A disturbing April 21 story reports on a “donnybrook” at a recent Sea Dogs game. Apparently a batter was hit by a pitch. On his way to first base, the pitcher stepped off the mound and said “something” – “prompting” the runner to charge him and throw a punch. The pitcher, injured, left the game. The runner was ejected along with the catcher, who’d joined in the melee. Naturally, “within minutes, video of the brawl was all over social media.”

I commented that it was an event “right out of the Will Smith playbook.”

A quick reply ensued: “How does Smith have anything to do with this ballyhoo?” Actually, nothing. He wasn’t at the game. But Smith’s mindless and celebrated act of violence, in response to an ill-conceived quip, also went viral. In my view, Smith should have been arrested – right on that stage. That runner should have been arrested – right on that field. Let that go viral.

I love a good ballgame as much as the next guy or gal. My granddaughter has tickets for tonight’s game. Perhaps I’m being overly sensitive, I mean, being a Democrat and all. But would you not agree that we have enough hot-headed behavior in the world today without actors, ballplayers or anyone else (perhaps with a gun), resorting to boorish, violent behavior?

I can almost hear my friends now: “Lighten up, man … push ‘DELETE.’ Let us buy you a beer.”

Good idea! I’ll take the beer – but not before pushing “SEND.”

Buddy Doyle

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