BenDeLaCreme. Photo by Liz Nico

BenDeLaCreme is … Ready to be Committed
8 p.m. Thursday. State Theatre, 609 Congress St., Portland, $45 to $55, $120 VIP meet & greet.
This internationally known drag icon presents a narrative cabaret show that is both side-splitting and tender with a fusion of burlesque, comedy, original music and BenDeLaCreme’s world famous “terminally delightful charm.” The show centers around the search for a spouse and turns love, romance and marriage upside down.

Jennifer Porter and Gerald Davis in “Humble Boy.” Photo courtesy of Saco River Theatre

‘Humble Boy’
7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 2:30 p.m. Sunday. Through April 30. Saco River Theatre, 29 Salmon Falls Road, Buxton, $15.
The Originals, the professional theater company of the Saco River Grange Hall, kicks off its season with “Humble Boy,” written by Charlotte Jones. Cambridge astrophysicist Felix Humble (Gerald Davis) questions his career choice but has to set his despair aside when his father dies. Once back at home in the Cotswolds region of south England, Humble has to contend with his larger-than-life mother Flora (Jennifer Porter). They’re joined by Felix’s ex, Rosie (Willa Darian), and her vocal father, George (Josh Brassard), among other characters in this off-the-beaten-path tale of grief and complicated family dynamics. Note: The April 28 performance is pay-what-you-can.

Monster Truck Nitro Tour action. Photo by Steve Girard, Xtreme Aerial View

Monster Truck Nitro Tour
7:30 p.m. Friday, 1:30 and 7:30 p.m. Saturday. Cross Insurance Arena, 1 Civic Center Square, Portland, $15.50 to $23.50.
Buckle up, Portland! The Monster Truck Nitro Tour is coming in hot with a fleet of gargantuan vehicles that will bounce and seemingly fly right over obstacles. With the biggest tires you’ve even seen, your eyes will pop right out of your head as the supernatural trucks rev their engines and kick up cyclones of dirt while performing mind-boggling stunts. For an extra $11, you can hit the pit party, where you’ll get up close to the trucks, meet the drivers and have photo ops with both.

Toto Kisaku in “Requiem for an Electric Chair.” Photo courtesy of Toto Kisaku/Joshua Borenstein

‘Requiem for an Electric Chair’
7 p.m. Wednesday, April 27. Westbrook Performing Arts Center, 471 Stroudwater St.,  $17 to $29.
Portland Ovations presents an evening with Congolese and immigrant playwright Toto Kisaku. Kisaku’s performance of “Requiem for an Electric Chair” tells of his narrow escape from execution and the mercy he was shown. Set in an illegal detention center, the solo, multimedia show about Kisaku’s successful escape from persecution shines an important light on the power of artistic expression. Kisaku’s storytelling has been presented at globe-spanning festivals.

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