“‘Among the Shadows’ by Bruce Robert Coffin, the first in a series of four, tells the story of  John Byron, a seasoned, skilled Portland police detective sergeant, as he struggles with a high-profile homicide case that eventually intersects with his own painful past. As Byron unravels the truth, he discovers exactly how deep a conspiracy can go, even among Portland’s finest, and how dangerous it can be to go against the system.

“‘Among The Shadows’ emphasizes the humanity of law enforcement officers and the dilemmas they face in this challenging career while also trying to find balance in their personal lives. As a retired detective himself, Coffin offers detailed insights into conducting an investigation and being a law enforcement representative; other authors would need extensive research to match his expertise (and they’ve often missed the mark).

“It was also thrilling to read a novel that used familiar landmarks in Southern Maine, with many in our book club exclaiming, “I know where that is!” I would recommend this novel to anyone who enjoys fast-paced crime fiction and local Maine authorship.

“Coffin attended our meeting and graciously answered our questions after a short discussion of his first career and his journey to published authorship.” — WHITNEY TAYLOR, a member of the Read Between the Spines Book Club, hosted at the Bibliophile Bookshop & Coffeehouse in Raymond.

Mainers, please email to tell us about the book on your bedside table right now. In a paragraph or two, describe the book and be sure to tell us what drew you to it. We want to hear what you are reading as, we all hope, the pandemic winds down? Send your selection to pgrodinsky@pressherald.com, and we may use it as a future Bedside Table.

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