Morse’s Maddie Potter stands by home plate on May 17 in Bath. Eli Canfield/The Times Record

When Morse junior softball player Madison Potter was diagnosed with cancer on Feb. 24, it didn’t take long for her supporters to spring into action.

The team had masks made that featured the slogan, “Playing for Potter.” More orders were needed as demand grew — students all across RSU 1 are wearing them now.

Potter, 16, who is being treated with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a cancer that affects infection-fighting cells of the immune system, said the support was “kind of overwhelming” after a May 17 game against Greely.

“We just wanted her to know that we love and care about her so much. Morse softball is a family, and we want to do anything we can to support her,” said an emotional Brook Kulis, one of Potter’s teammates, after the 4-0 win over Greely.   

Now, weeks later, the Maine sports community is stepping up once again.

Members of the Morse softball team have worn masks this season in support of teammate Madison Potter, who has been battling Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Eli Canfield/The Times Record

Jessica Duffy and Colby College pitching coach Julie Roy will hold a softball clinic Sunday that will raise money for the Madison and her parents, Shannon and Derek.  


The clinic will be held at Saint Joseph’s College in Standish and will be split up into three 90-minute sessions. Duffy said high school players from across the state will help teach the clinic. Softball players ages 8-14 are allowed to attend, and are being asked to donate a at least $25 for the family. 

“Maine softball stretches for hundreds and thousands of miles and sometimes we may feel disconnected, but no matter the distance, one thing we all have in common is our extreme love for the game,” said Roy in an e-mail. “One of my biggest lessons on and off the field is that asking for help is okay. Today, I am asking for your help in a huge way. This help is for Maddie Potter, a Maine softball player from Morse.”

The support for Potter has been undeniable, whether it’s from her teammates, her coaches, or complete strangers on an opposing teams. 

It’s clear that the support ranges far beyond just the Bath-area, and this coming Sunday is just another reason why.

Players can register online at, or they can reach out to Julie Roy directly at 207-712-6448. 

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