As a book publisher – I am co-owner of Littoral Books of Portland – I am grateful to Greg Kesich for “Living in a one-click world,” his May 2 Maine Sunday Telegram column on Alec MacGillis’ book about Amazon.

Very often we are asked, by both our writers and our readers, why we don’t sell our books on Amazon. Some people get quite angry at us for depriving them of the convenience of buying with one click. I always answer that Littoral Books will never do business with Amazon because: 1. Amazon destroys small bookstores; 2. Amazon oppresses its workers, and 3. It’s just as easy to order one of our books from our website or from a local bookstore.

Now I’ll refer them to Greg Kesich’s commentary and to Alec MacGillis’ book, which lay it all out perfectly.

Buying local isn’t just a slogan. For small businesses and the families they support, it’s a matter of life and death.

Agnes Bushell

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