Alewive Woods subdivision off Alewive Road (Route 35) in West Kennebunk is poised to have 40 lots in the first phase and could have as many as 100 by full build out, though an early sketch plans shows 86.  The map shows the site of the proposed development. Courtesy image

KENNEBUNK – A developer has submitted a sketch plan for what could, at full build out, ultimately become a 100-lot subdivision on Alewive Road (Route 35), about half a mile from Thompson Road.

Based on information gathered at a workshop in late March, Town Planner Brittany Howard said the developer, Kingsland Development Co., LLC, would likely submit a new sketch plan before any application for Alewive Woods would be forthcoming.

“We’re in the very early stages,” said Howard.

According to Jason Viafiades of Atlantic Resource Consultants, who is acting on behalf of Kingsland, current sketch plans call for about 86, 20,000- to 40,000-square-foot lots on the property, each with its own septic system.

The first phase of the three-phase plan involves 40 lots on the first 20 acres. In all, about 75 acres, comprised of seven lots, are involved.

Viafiades said the company is looking to begin the first phase later this year.


The main entrance to the subdivision is at 274 Alewive Road. A second access point would use an upgraded Truman Field Road that would connect to Thompson Road, Viafiades said.

Alewive Woods is a subdivision project planned at 274 Alewive Road in West Kennebunk. The developer has not yet submitted an application and Town Planner Brittany Howard said the proposal is in the early stages. Courtesy image

The proposed project is located in the West Kennebunk Village Residential Zone. The land, and according to plan documents, is predominantly mature woodlands with rolling topography. In a project summary, Viafiades said the total wetland impact is 15,000 square feet, with the bulk of that generated by the first phase access off Alewive Road. He wrote that open spaces would be created along Ward Brook, “which we will happily donate to the town,” as well as opportunities for trails.

Viafiades wrote that the company is amenable to providing an onsite sewer design that incorporates sewer infrastructure that would allow for an easy transition to public sewer, which is currently not available.

At the March 29 planning board workshop, Kennebunk Sewer District Manager Mike Bolduc said public sewer is unlikely to materialize in the area, unless development drives it and pays for it.

Kennebunk Fire Chief Jeff Rowe said the West Kennebunk Fire Station is large enough for apparatus. He said the fire station would be the next to have what he described as “some semblance” of full-time staff and that the building would have to be modified if that were to happen.

He asked that the company provide a “hammerhead” configuration to accommodate fire apparatus at dead end interior roadways.


The property would have underground utilities and will sport sidewalks, at least on one side of the interior roadway system, and there was conversation about a sidewalk to Thompson Road.

Police Chief Robert MacKenzie said road systems within subdivisions have 25 mph speed limits and tend to have speed complaints and suggested the company consider speed tables.

Utilities will be underground.

Planning board member Richard Smith said he was concerned with the overall size of the project and pointed out there were several other pending projects in the vicinity of West Kennebunk, adding more density to the area.

“A traffic study is imperative to me,” Smith said.

“This would have a major impact on community traffic and town services and how people in West Kennebunk perceive their community,” said Planning Board member Edward Trainer.


Viafiades said he doesn’t expect the project would add a large percentage of traffic to the area, but said the company would conduct a traffic study.

Conservation Commission chair Jennifer Shack said public sewer would be ideal, for environmental reasons. She asked the company to think about making sure the open space was more contiguous.

A Truman Field Road resident, Katelyn Smith, noted the roadway is currently dirt. She pointed out that many older trees would have to be felled to improve the road.

Another resident asked if an old cemetery had been into account in the plan to widen Truman Field Road and was told that it had and the road will shift to maintain the required setback.

Among other concerns were the deforestation of the property, mammal and bird habitat loss, and storm water runoff.

Comments are not available on this story.

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