Wear a mask at governor’s mansion

To the editor,

Governor Janet Mills has mandated that masks are required to be worn on public property. She is currently living in the governor’s mansion in Augusta, which is public property owned by the people of the state of Maine.

Just like the rest of us, she should be required to wear her mask at all times in the governor’s mansion or face the appropriate consequences. Procedures should be put in place to assure the citizens of Maine that Gov. Mills is complying with her own mandate.

Susan Kamuda

Defending the president


To the editor,

Joan Hulsey’s letter to the editor cannot go unanswered. President Trump implemented Operation Warp Speed, which resulted in the fastest manufacture and production of a vaccine in U.S. history. This is the exact opposite of “intentional callousness.”

The Trump administration executed at least 10 violent criminals, including Daniel Lewis Lee, Wesley Ira Purkey and Dustin Lee Honken. One must wonder why Joan Hulsey wouldn’t want these evil criminals executed.

Trump has to pardon himself and his family members. The left is evil, hateful, intolerant and vindictive. They spied on his campaign before and during the election. They spied on him after the election. They lied about Russian collusion. They wanted to impeach him even before he was elected. Then, in the only 100 percent partisan impeachment ever in the history of America, the Democrats did just that. All based on the false allegations of an anonymous whistle blower.

Trump and his associates have yet to get a hearing on the actual merits of any of their cases. They haven’t lost a single case because there hasn’t been a single case. No evidence has yet been presented in a court of law. Judges routinely dismiss them even though the evidence of widespread fraud and cheating by the Democrats during the last election is overwhelming.

Hundreds of signed affidavits by not anonymous witnesses to the cheating and fraud are in their possession. Judges are afraid of the violence the burn, loot, murder Marxists and Antifa will perpetrate. We all saw how they burned and looted Democrat-controlled cities this past spring and summer. Destroying the businesses of hundreds of minority owners and forcing unemployment on thousands of others. That’s how all communist revolutions start, with the threat of violence or actual violence.

The funniest thing she wrote was, “seek first to understand rather than judge” while she wrote the most hateful, judgmental letter to the editor I have seen in a very long time.

James R. Cressey


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