Now that the election season is over, I’d like to offer a thought for anyone wishing to get my vote.

As campaigns have devolved into a negativity and mudslinging lie-fest, it is pretty hard to get enthused about anyone running for public office.

I am not affiliated with any party, so the question I have to the viable parties is: Can you list five reasons why I should join your party and vote for your candidate? I want positive reasons, not criticism of the opponent.

I have been interested in government and politics since fifth grade (the presidential campaign of John F. Kennedy versus Richard Nixon), but it seems that the issues Democrats used to stand for, that Republicans used to tout as their strength, are no longer recognizable. What happened to their “platforms”? Has it really sunken to the level of who can sell the biggest smear about their opponent and the money it requires to sell those smears?

Five positive reasons – is that too much to ask of someone wanting my vote?

Paul Knight

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