Ruth Bader Ginsburg spent her life on the Supreme Court working for women’s rights. Donald Trump wasted no time in nominating Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court to take her place, someone expected to vote to repeal Roe v. Wade. It is well known that conservative religions agreed to support Trump’s re-election for his promise to repeal Roe and provide public funds for religious organizations.

Amy Coney Barrett described herself as a “faithful Catholic,” a member of a church that has chosen to ignore the dark side of their religion. Thousands of priests in the U.S. alone have been credibly accused of sexually assaulting children. (“There is no standard for determining who each diocese considers credibly accused,” according to ProPublica.)

These priests have not been penalized and the church carries on its mission to control the lives of women and girls faced with an unplanned pregnancy, no exceptions. In 2019, there were 98,813 rapes reported in the United States. No exceptions?

Hate for abortion has clouded our love and compassion for anyone who has an unintended pregnancy.

Women throughout the world want to plan their families. In countries where abortion is illegal, girls as young as 11 who are raped and impregnated have been denied abortions. Six years ago, the United Nations committee to protect children around the world pleaded with the Vatican to allow an abortion for these innocent children. The Vatican refused.

Abortion is not mentioned in the Bible. The Bible’s first commandment is to love God and our neighbors.

Gene Proctor

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