I served with Councilor Justin Costa on the Portland City Council from 2014 to 2017, and I witnessed first-hand the personal qualities that we should expect from councilors. He is thoughtful, articulate, selfless, respectful, a good listener and a progressive voice.

During Justin’s six years on the City Council and six years on the school board, he has shown that he is willing to work on behalf of all Portlanders, not simply the loudest voices in the room. I have seen him bring together people of differing views to get things done.

Justin understands the issues that the city and schools face in a way that few others do. This is the most challenging time municipalities have faced in decades, and those challenges are just beginning. If Portland is serious about addressing them, it cannot afford to risk electing anyone else.

I urge Portlanders to vote to return Justin Costa to the City Council.

David Brenerman
Former Portland city councilor and mayor
South Portland

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