Pond Cove Elementary School in Cape Elizabeth is one of three Maine schools that have been named 2020 National Blue Ribbon Schools by the U.S. Department of Education.

Pond Cove was recognized as an Exemplary High Performing School based on all student scores on state assessments or nationally normed tests, the department announced Thursday.

Two other Maine schools, Easton Elementary School in Easton and Mary Snow Elementary School in Bangor, received 2020 National Blue Ribbon awards.

The Maine schools are among 317 public and 50 nonpublic schools recognized across the country this year. As many as 420 schools may be nominated each year and nearly 10,000 National Blue Ribbon awards have been granted in the last 38 years.

The 2020 National Blue Ribbon Schools awards ceremony will be held online Nov. 12-13.

A profile of Pond Cove Elementary School and its application are available along with those of other 2020 National Blue Ribbon winners at www.ed.gov/nationalblueribbonschools.