9U travel baseball
Raymond Little League will hold tryouts for the 2021 9U Northern Storm Baseball travel program Monday, Aug, 24, in Mechanic Falls. Participants need to be 9 years old or younger as of April 30, 2021. For more information and to register for tryouts, contact coach Rick Cummings at northernstormbaseball@gmail.com.
School start date
The start of Raymond Elementary School and Jordan Small Middle School has been delayed. According to the RSU 14 website, the school board voted Aug. 12 to finalize the district’s plan, which includes reopening Sept. 9 with a hybrid model and distance option. Families have a choice between hybrid (two days per week of in-person instruction) or 100% distance (four days per week of online, at-home instruction). Go to rsu14.org for more information on start dates, plans for what day your child/children will attend (alphabetically) or call your school with questions.
Senior housing help
Sebago Fuller Housing, a new organization to support seniors in Raymond, Standish and Windham, is available to perform housing repairs and rehabilitation, focusing on keeping seniors safe and aging in place in their homes. If you know a senior 65 and older who owns their home but does not have the money or physical ability to do their own repairs, this may be a perfect solution. The program also accepts volunteers. Its current project is replacing windows and door trim,doing some painting, caulking, and trimming trees for one area senior. Each job site will have a site supervisor and safety officer. All COVID-19 guidelines will be enforced. For more information, to volunteer or seek services, got to sebagofullerhousing.org or call 387-0855.
Backpack food program extended
RSU 14 has extended the summer meal program, adding additional bulk food pickup dates. The next pickup is scheduled for Monday, Aug. 24. The sites and pickup times remain the same as they have been through the summer. Donations are still welcome by sending a check to the Town of Raymond, ATT: Backpack Program, 401 Webbs Mills Road, Raymond. To help volunteer to pack bags or for more information, contact Kaela Gonzalez at 655-4742 ext. 133 or kaela.gonzalez@raymondmaine.org.
Roast dinner takeout
Raymond Village Community Church will be provide Pot Roast Supper takeout from 5-6:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 22. The dinner consists of pot roast and gravy, potatoes, green beans, carrots, a roll and a brownie for $10. To order your meals, call the RVCC office at 655-7749 and press 2 to leave a message with your name, number of meals and time you will pick up, or email the information to office@rvccme.org.
Book club meeting
The Raymond Village Library Book Group will meet at 6 p.m. Aug. 31 to discuss “Where the Crawdads Sing” by Delia Owens. The book group allows you to read something you might not normally select. Read, unwind and have a discussion with friends new and old. Contact the library to be included on the Zoom link at 655-4283.
Alissa Messer can be contacted at alissamesser@gmail.com.
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