Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 presidential election for a variety of reasons, including some of her own making. Who can forget the reference to a “basket of deplorables”? Her campaign managers undoubtedly also rue the decision to not spend adequate time and other resources in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

This year, Sen. Susan Collins appears intent in “pulling a Clinton,” that is, sabotaging her campaign through a series of unforced errors. Take her Aug. 9 news release admonishing “Democratic leaders to negotiate seriously to reach a much-needed agreement to help struggling families, seniors, schools, businesses, municipalities & the USPS with this persistent pandemic.”

That is a bit rich, to put it kindly. Does she actually believe that voters are not aware that:

• Senate Republicans deliberately waited until the last hour to address lapsing programs, in the hope that further intervention would not be needed?

• Senate Republicans could not unite behind a cohesive proposal, forcing Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to state that he would have to rely on Senate Democrats to pass a measure?

• The House passed the HEROES Act months ago, a measure that McConnell refused to consider?


• The U.S. Postal Service’s difficulties are being exacerbated because of the actions and decisions of the president and his henchman Louis DeJoy?

Collins can bury her head in the sand concerning her party’s abject inability to govern; however, it’s unlikely Maine voters will be so obtuse come November. Collins can then commiserate with Clinton.

James Fecteau


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