Recently I’ve seen an ad on TV from an outside group called The Lincoln Project that claims that our senator, Susan Collins, is a “Trump stooge.” As an actual voter from Maine, I know that this claim is ridiculous, and I would like to thank former Maine Senate President Michael Thibodeau for setting the record straight on Sen. Collins’ voting record (Opinion, Aug. 5).

The truth is that Sen. Collins is the most bipartisan member of the U.S. Senate, and she has been for a long time. She’s also the Republican least likely to vote along party lines. For The Lincoln Project, on behalf of Sara Gideon, to insinuate that Sen. Collins depends on a man to tell her how to vote is both offensive and blatantly false.

In Sen. Collins, we have something truly unique and special. We have a leader who isn’t afraid to stand up for what she believes is right, and who has demonstrated time and time again her willingness to set aside differences for the greater good.

That’s why I will be supporting Sen. Susan Collins this fall.

Susan Whitehouse


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